Charlotte Bühler Teaching Award for interdisciplinary teaching
Charlotte Bühler, tit. ao. Univ.-Prof. Dr. phil. (December 20, 1893 - February 3, 1974): Developmental psychologist, founder of the "Viennese School of Infant and Adolescent Psychology" („Wiener Schule der Kleinkinder- und Jugendpsychologie“).
Starting in 2024, the Charlotte Bühler Teaching Award for interdisciplinary teaching will be awarded annually at the Department of Developmental and Educational Psychology at the University of Vienna (Faculty of Psychology). The award aims to encourage the four research units at the department (Developmental Psychology, Psychology of Aging, Educational Psychology, Differential Psychology and Psychological Assessment) to collaborate in teaching and thus increase the coherence of teaching at the department. In addition to providing motivational incentives for excellent and cross-disciplinary teaching, the award also serves as a profiling measure for the department. As a supplement to the UNIVIE Teaching Award, the award explicitly shows high appreciation for teaching at the department. Moreover, the award can be helpful for scientific careers as it documents outstanding teaching for the award winners. It is awarded to two individuals who collaborate in teaching at the department and is associated with a prize money of a total of €600 (equally divided between the two individuals). The prize money can be used flexibly for research and/or teaching purposes.
Eligibility to apply:
- All teaching staff at the Department of Developmental and Educational Psychology are eligible to apply.
- The application can only be made jointly by two individuals from different working units at the department (Developmental Psychology, Psychology of Aging, Educational Psychology, Differential Psychology and Psychological Assessment)
Evaluation criteria:
- Clear and meaningful integration of teaching content across two subjects within the department
- Compelling teaching concept (content, teaching methods)
- Sustainability of the concept (repeatable - at least twice; basic concept should be transferable to others)
- Submission of a concept, 2-3 pages in length, including the following points (in German or English language):
- Title of the course
- Type of course
- Assignment to bachelor's or master's degree program
- Goals and contents of the course
- Methods of the course
- Realization of the networking of working areas
- Sustainability of the concept
- Submissions are possible from October 1st to 15th, with regard to a planned course in the following calendar year (summer or winter semester)
- The collected submissions are evaluated by a jury (2 professors, 1 representative of the mid-level faculty). The jury is determined for a period of 2 years within the framework of a department meeting. Membership in the jury beyond the 2-year period is possible.
- The decision is announced on January 15th, and the funds are immediately released - these must be spent by the end of the year. Any funds not spent by then will be returned to the department's budget.
- The course must be registered for evaluation through quality assurance.
- After the seminar has been held, the jury will receive a self-evaluation of the seminar from the instructors, which should also address the results of the evaluation by quality assurance and present possibilities for optimization (1-2 pages).
Contact person for the award:
- Current head of the department.
- Currently: Univ.-Prof. Dipl.-Psych. Dr. Thomas Götz,